Case Study

Automotive Multicultural Marketing Case Study: Lincoln

Tier 1 Multicultural Campaign Success with CTV and Rich Media Advertising

Our creative team repurposed Lincoln's general market creative assets to produce a targeted and successful automotive multicultural campaign promoting the Corsair SUV.


Driving Inclusivity: Lincoln's Campaign Transformation to Reach Multicultural Audiences

Lincoln was running a Tier 1 automotive digital marketing campaign, promoting its Corsair SUV with a one-minute video targeted to general audiences. While this campaign successfully reached the general market target audience, they sought to repurpose existing content. Working with the UniWorld Group agency, Lincoln wanted to tailor the campaign’s content to highlight African American talent and reach multicultural audiences.


Shorter, Stronger, More Diverse:
Crafting a Compelling Storyline in Half the Time

Lincoln and UniWorld Group partnered with KORTX, quickly engaging our creative services team to address their challenges.

First, they had to maintain the overall storyline while halving the length of the one-minute general automotive market video. Secondly, they had to keep the main character in the video while reimaging other variables, like voiceovers and animations.


Impressive Results Across CTV & Rich Media

Utilizing the one-minute video, the KORTX creative services team successfully produced an entirely new piece of content focused on highlighting and reaching the multicultural automotive audience.

After spending so much time and effort producing the mainstream piece, our team helped the advertiser repurpose the unit to reach an entirely new audience. The team implemented the new video asset across Connected Television and our custom Rich Media unit for multiple campaigns.

With these changes, KORTX drove a .17% CTR, 317,553 clicks, and 6,351 leads, with CTV and Rich Media successfully complementing the advertiser's lower funnel efforts.








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